Friday, June 19, 2009

N. Korea to fire missile at Hawaii

Reports today from Japan are saying that North Korea may be test-firing a Taepodong-2 missile towards Hawaii around July 4th to coincide with the US's Independence Day celebration. The missile reportedly only has a range of 4,000 miles. Hawaii is 4,500 miles from the Korean Peninsula.

Missile defense systems are ready around and on Hawaii, including radar systems and ground based anti-missile systems. Hawaii is now ready, and able, to shoot the missile down mid-air.


As I've said before, in a previous post, I think Obama should order the missile shot down as soon as it enters international airspace. This launch is deliberately testing the US's resolve. We need to give the North Koreans something back: that we will NOT allow them to even come close to harming us.

Seriously, we entered Iraq because of the possibility of WMDs. But we won't shoot down a missile test last month? We better shoot this one down. The North Korean government is as unstable as plutonium. Oh wait, they have that too.

On Thursday, the independent International Crisis Group said the North is believed to have between 2,500 and 5,000 tons of chemical weapons, including mustard gas, phosgene, blood agents and sarin. These weapons can be delivered with ballistic missiles and long-range artillery and are "sufficient to inflict massive civilian casualties on South Korea."


Unknown said...

Eh, it's a paper tiger. And this I am pretty sure of; they wouldn't have the logistical ability to sustain an asymmetric war for a lengthy time.

Sure, they have chemical weapons, but we have gear for that.

I honestly don't think there will be a war. More saber rattling and posturing.

James' Muse said...

Maybe. But still, we should shoot it down in international waters just to let them know that they aren't as big as they think they are.

Unknown said...

Oh yeah, if they shoot at us, i can't see even obama letting a missile get inland.

Anonymous said...

If we play with fire we're going to get burned.

James' Muse said...

Exactly. But what I proposed last post, and am proposing this one, is shooting it down as soon as it hits international waters. Play a little tougher.

James' Muse said...

What do you mean, Gray?

James' Muse said...

Gray: I liked your previous incarnation. You spoke about some hard things.

I'm not sure this version of you is the same blogger. This one isn't talking about racism that he experienced. This one is baiting people everywhere you go. I liked the other Gray. This one, I'm sorry to say, is a bit of a troll.

So two things: One: If you are the same Gray Headed brother, please go back to your old way, relink your old blog and profile, and don't let them get you down. Two: If you are an impostor, coming here to rile things up and tread on someone else's blogger image, shame on you.

Honestbuttrue said...

James' Muse said...
What do you mean, Gray?

I'm not sure, but I think he means that we shouldn't get involved with North Korea?

Unknown said...

Absolutely, shot down in international waters would accomplish two things: A thumb in the eye of N Korea, and protecting the world and sending a message about attacking the U.S.

Maybe that's three things.

Anonymous said...

James' Muse said...
"Gray: I liked your previous incarnation. You spoke about some hard things.

I'm not sure this version of you is the same blogger. This one isn't talking about racism that he experienced. This one is baiting people everywhere you go. I liked the other Gray. This one, I'm sorry to say, is a bit of a troll."

Naw, he's the same piece of crap that he always was.. a ass-hole never changes his spots.
And why would you say that you liked him better before? He was the same racist imbecile then as he is now.

James' Muse said...

Well, I disagree about the previous Gray headed brother. I thought he was someone with a story to tell.

This one was just a baiter. But I wouldn't worry about it too much. His site has been deleted already.

Unknown said...

James, the last one was a race baiter. I can't believe someone as intelligent as you would see it as otherwise. It's the same guy, or someone cleverly using the same spelling and grammar errors (not that I care) that the old one did.

Anonymous said...
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JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

He spoke of injustices that we must not forget. I hope one day the man can overcome the bitterness. But I doubt that day will ever come. He and the people of his skin color endured bigotry that none of us ever did. Then when he talks about it, some of us have the gall to call him the racist.

What Gray Headed Brother spoke about was very painful. If writing about it on a blog helped him deal with it, I was glad to give the man a forum.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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I Ain't Got No Blog said...
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James' Muse said...

Alright everyone. Enough about Gray Headed Brother. He's moved on. If you have anything more to add to the discussion on Iran, go for it.

James' Muse said...

*I mean North Korea.

Dave Miller said...

Dude, I go away for a few moments and miss all the fireworks.

Hang in there James.

James' Muse said...

Thanks Dave. I won't have to babysit this post much longer...I automatically moderate posts over 3 days old just to cut back on the trolls.