Thursday, May 21, 2009

Why Dick Cheney sucks.

Colin Powell is still better than Dick Cheney, no matter what (drug addict, racist, uneducated* [flunked out of college, and barely passed high school, has no pertinent experience in politics whatsoever, yet is still one of the top de facto leaders of the Republican Party]) Rush Limbaugh says. Here's why: Quite simply, Dick Cheney is, well, a dick.

Here's a list substantiating my opinion:

1. Dick Cheney is, unapologetically, a Neo-Conservative.
Cheney founded the Project for the New American Century, a neoconservative U.S. think tank whose self-stated goal is to "promote American global leadership."
2. From 1995-2000 was the CEO of Haliburton.
Cheney and Haliburton are under current investigation by the US Dept of Justice, the FBI, and the Pentagon for allegedly getting unlawful special attention for contracts during the Iraq war.
3. Disdain for the American Public that he was serving.
When told that most Americans were not happy with how the Iraq war was going, he slipped and said "so?"
4. As of 2004, Dick Cheney has received $398,548 in deferred compensation from Haliburton, while serving as Vice-President of the United States.
5. Doesn't like Free Press.
While serving as Deputy Assistant to the president in 1974-1975 under President Ford, Cheney suggested in a legal memo that the President should use the US Dept of Justice to punish the New York Times for an unfavorable article.
6. The John Yoo/Bybee memos:
Cheney advocated the revocation of many of the Bill of Rights, even for US Citizens, during the "War on Terror."
7. He shot someone in the face:
On February 11, 2006, Cheney accidentally shot Harry Whittington, a 78-year-old Texas attorney, in the face, neck, and upper torso with birdshot pellets when he turned to shoot a quail while hunting on a southern Texas ranch.
8. Advocate for Torture:
Waterboarding and "enhanced interrogation" is torture, and therefore undermines the United States' moral authority.
9. Advocate for big government:
Supported Nixon's illegal acts, and has actively pursued expansion of the President's powers, challenging Congressional Laws, including but not limited to: the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, the Presidential Records Act, the Freedom of Information Act and the War Powers Resolution.
10. Spied on the American Public:
Part of the illegal NSA warrantless wiretap scandal, spying on US Citizens in clear violation of due process.
11. Dismal voting record during his tenure as a Congressman in 1979-1989, showing more contempt for the American Public (unless you're rich and white):
  • Repeatedly voted against programs designed to provide assistance to displaced workers.
    Voted against legislation requiring factory owners to notify employees before closing their plants. Cast 10 separate votes against funding nutrition programs for children, including one vote opposing a move to protect food programs for women and infants from budget cuts.
  • Repeatedly voted against maintaining funding for Head Start programs.
    Voted against a measure that granted time off for federal employees to care for sick family members.
  • Voted against the Hunger Relief Act, which expanded eligibility for the federal food stamp program.
  • Voted against providing mortgage assistance for low income home buyers.
  • Opposed college student aid programs contained in the Higher Education Act.
  • During the recession of the early 1980s, voted to block extension of unemployment benefits, including a provision that would provide health insurance for unemployed workers and their families.
  • Voted against the Equal Rights Amendment.
  • Voted for Ronald Reagan’s veto of the Civil Rights Restoration Act.
  • Voted to limit Social Security cost-of-living adjustments for retired Americans living on fixed incomes.
  • Was one of only eight members of the House to vote against renewing the Older Americans Act, which provided nutritional and other support services for elderly Americans. (If Cheney’s opposition had succeeded, the entire nutritional program would have effectively been shut down).
  • Voted against limiting out-of-pocket expenses for Medicare recipients, most of whom were senior citizens. His votes were so consistently counter to the interests of the elderly that a Cox News Service headline declared, “Senior Groups Call Cheney’s Voting Record a Disaster.”
  • Not only did Cheney’s votes tend toward unfairness on domestic issues, he actually voted against sanctioning South Africa’s apartheid regime for its repressive policies. He was also a vocal opponent of Nelson Mandela’s release from prison.


Unknown said...

James, your getting a little too ad hominem ish about people I respect.

Rush is neither racist nor uneducated. The college degree argument is kinda lame, I would expect more from you.

Cheney is only standing up for the administration he served under. Nothing negative has really been leaked by any major agency about the administration, so I am confused what you are talking about.

As I'm sure that t101 will come bounding to this like a lapdog, I won't comment here anymore. I get tired of defending against the same tired old attacks on Rush and anyone who doesn't agree with the 'tolerance group'.

James' Muse said...

Cmon Pitbull. You do ad hominem attacks all the time, as well as pretty partisan attacks.

Rush is uneducated (barely finished high school) and didn't attend college, which wouldn't matter with anyone else, but as someone who is a very vocal critic of those who are educated and also a de facto leader of the Republican party, one would expect a little more.

As for racist, there are numerous accounts of his being racist and sexist, and not just subversively.

I know Cheney is standing up for it. But he should take a page from George W. Bush's book: say nothing. GWB said that the job is hard enough without the previous administration telling everyone they disagree with it.

And I normally wouldn't care, but this is more than ad hominem. This is hypocrisy. You didn't even address the meat of my post, which is all the stuff Cheney did that are arguably un-American.

You are one of my regular readers; you should know better than to lump me in with a partisan group. I am not sitting here defending Obama, and in fact I have called him on things I disagree with in the past, on this very blog.

Cheney? I'd take Bush over him any day. Cheney is a cold-hearted bastard who does not have the Republican Party's best interests at heart. All he cares about is himself, as his record shows clearly time and time again.

Unknown said...

Like I said before, education has nothing to do with it. He is well spoken and he never criticizes anyone for their education. All the sound bits people have on him are clips of him being sarcastic, the trouble with that is that people on the left use it to further their terrible causes.

As for Cheney, someone needs to hold things together and it's about time he spoke out.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Thank you for this delicious milk bone of a post James. I'm rolling over for more of your wisdom.

Bluepitbull has been a regular here James. I'll stay away from the comment section if you think you owe keeping a regular happy is important.

Thank you for the forum.

Unknown said...

Please, fire away. I go no where. You are the most intellectually lazy person I see online, truth.

Dave Miller said...

James, the fact that Cheney has a different view of the role of the federal gov't does not make him un American.

On a lot of those issues when he was in congress, he felt it was the job of the states to handle a lot of that aid stuff.

It is a reasonable viewpoint, and well accepted in American politics.

Wrong headed sometimes? Yes.

Un American? No.

But I agree, keep quiet Mr. Cheney.

Unknown said...

Why should he keep quiet? So that the Republican party can go the way of the DoDo, no doubt.

Funny how the commies on all of the major news networks have been on the attack against Bush and Cheney and Palin or Rush way way after the campaign and the "ONE" was anointed president.

Cheney speaks out against the endless bashing of the Republican Party, which kept us safe for eight years, and immediately he is Satan.

You are all going to be disappointed when this country is taken over and you can't speak at all thanks to your support of a would-be dictator.

Read "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand. It predicted with great accuracy the socialist/extremist/progressive movement and the blankness of it's causes. How it only serves to give the appearance of caring without actually doing anything.

James' Muse said...

Truth: You can come back here any time. Don't worry about ticking off BluePitBull. I've ticked him off, he's ticked me off, but we always seem to come back to a discussion in the end.

Dave: Some of those things on my list are arguably un-american: Spying on US Citizens, John Yoo Memos that he used, etc. Those things, while he may say he's doing in the interest of the American Public, are not in the best interests, such as overturning the Bill of Rights, are unacceptable no matter what. Others on my list, such as the investigation into Haliburton, do not fit within the role of a public servant. They look more like lining one's own pockets.

Blue: The reason Cheney should shut up is simple: He is deliberately undermining the Public's Confidence in a sitting President over policy differences.

George W. Bush said at the private event entitled "A conversation with
George W. Bush" at the Telus Convention Centre stated that he would not criticize President Obama and hoped he succeeds, specifically stating, "[President Obama] deserves my silence."

Cheney is nothing more than a self-serving politician.

As for Rush, he is a de facto leader of the Republican Party. As such, he should be more educated, being that he is a leader. He barely finished high school. And now conservatives listen to him like he actually knows what he's talking about, when mostly he's talking out his ass.

Btw, Rush IS a racist, and there are many in-context quotes to back that up. But being that he was merely a side note on this post, I won't go into that too much. Perhaps another post for Rush's racism.

Unknown said...

How can one person undermine the public's trust in the president? The current president is a stalinist in the making if thats the case.

Cheney is only defending the administration that kept the country safe. The only people that were spied on were people with ties to terrorists. I am a long time recently retired member of the intelligence community, I know.

Unknown said...

I guess I shouldn't post here anymore. You sicken me with your loyalty to the fact that Rush isn't educated. You put too much faith in that piece of paper that you have.

It does not mean that he is stupid. In fact, most old money if not all in these liberal new england families came from people without college. It's a stupid argument and beneath you.

i won't hold my breath for your response.

James' Muse said...

I didn't say that he was stupid. He isn't. He is also successful. As an entertainer.

But my point is, because he is one of the leading Republicans right now, the fact that he barely finished high school should play a part in this discussion of "should we really be listening to this guy?" would be like the left saying that we should listen to Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert.

As for education, he, in his own words, "flunked everything." I don't care who went to college, but if someone does and flunks out they should not be a leader of the Republican party. The fact that Steele and others are bowing to this guy is incredible.

It would be like a Democrat apologizing to Stewart for saying he's just an entertainer.

As for the money argument, Paris Hilton is a millionaire.

James' Muse said...

Cheney has a huge part in undermining a sitting president. He comes out with information only he, Bush, Obama & Biden have and within days of Obama taking the seat he starts stoking National Security fears to undermine the President. Like I said, at least GWB had some class. The job is hard enough without a previous administrator coming out within a few days and saying that you are doing a horrible job.

James' Muse said...

And I wasn't just talking about college education. You can be educated in the military, the police, a trade school, etc. But he barely passed high school and flunked out of EVERY SINGLE class he tried in college.

Then he becomes a leader of the Republican Party.

His only experience? Radio.

Patrick M said...

Okay, I read the entire post (including the meat), and I'm stymied as to why Dick Cheney sucks.

While I may not agree with him on everything, at least he's a Republican actually leading an opposition to Obama (as opposed to the Prez's "Republican" supporter Powell).

James' Muse said...

Because, Patrick, he is a giant neo-conservative hypocrite.

He criticizes the Obama administration for doing things that his administration started (stimulus plans, bailouts).

Not to mention that he supported overturning many of the amendments in the US Bill of Rights on more than one occasion.

James' Muse said...

Blue, here's a crticism of Rush Limbaugh that is not ad hominem.

1. Made fun of Michael J. Fox for having Parkinsons. Said he's faking it.

2. "I mean, let’s face it, we didn’t have slavery in this country for over 100 years because it was a bad thing. Quite the opposite: slavery built the South. I’m not saying we should bring it back; I’m just saying it had its merits. For one thing, the streets were safer after dark."

3. "You know who deserves a posthumous Medal of Honor? James Earl Ray [the confessed assassin of Martin Luther King]. We miss you, James. Godspeed"

4. "Have you ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?"

5. "Look, let me put it to you this way: the NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There, I said it."

6. "The NAACP should have riot rehearsal. They should get a liquor store and practice robberies."

7. "Take that bone out of your nose and call me back(to an African American female caller)."

8. Believes Obama is an Arab because his family comes from Kenya. Less than 1% of Kenyans are of Arab descent.

My point is, had he had any kind of education, whether it be military, college, trade school, or anything outside of the world of radio opinion, he might have a little more credence as a leader. But without it, he is just another radio entertainer, much like Jon Stewart is for the left.

Btw Blue, I would comment on your blog regarding this to explain that I didn't mean this as a smear to those who don't have a college degree, but it won't let me comment for some reason.

Carl Wicklander said...

It's good that you mentioned the neoconservative part first. Every abuse that emanated from Cheney derived from neoconservatism.

Although I don't believe Cheney founded PNAC, he was definitely a big part of it, as were Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz who were both signatories to the infamous letter to Bill Clinton urging him to take out Saddam Hussein. It shows just how war-hungry the group is. They wanted a war in Iraq even without the slightest bit of provocation. And with war comes all the abuses of power because under the guise of "national security," anything can be justified.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

"Intellectually lazy"

I work smart BPB. Not hard. So far your arguments for Rush "He's not stupid just because he flunked a bunch of courses" and Cheney "Someone needs to hold things together." Riveting arguments for your guys BPB. You must have worked hard to come up with them Buddy.

Unknown said...

No, my argument for you is that, thank God you live in this country, otherwise your stupidity would be rewarded properly.

I never made an argument about him failing classes, nor do I see you holding a copy of his transcripts. All it is is rumor and you spewing more stupid crap at this point.

It really isn't even an good argument because he is still successful despite the left's attempt to ground him. And it pisses you off.

James' Muse said...

according to his mother, "he flunked everything."

And I never said he wasn't successful.

So is Paris Hilton.

They are both entertainers.

My issue is that many, like yourself, are giving him far too much credence and weight to his opinions, when he has no experience nor knowledge necessary to lead a party, yet the right seems in awe of him. You say the left is afraid of him, I say the right is in awe of him. Being in the middle, I find him incendiary.

Unknown said...

The only reason I am responding to that empty statement you just made is to assure truth that I didn't give up.

Comparing Rush to paris hilton the inbred child of an inheritance hog, is laughable.

This site is destined to fail eventually unless you come up with some original ideas. This presidency is failed to doom if they don't come up with some original ideas besides blaming the previous administration.

The more finger pointing and making fun of conservatives, the stronger you make them, so, go ahead. Your side is chock full of morons.

Pamela Zydel said...

From my viewpoint, one doesn't need a college degree to succeed in politics or to have great knowledge in political science.

James' Muse said...

Blue, Pamela, I didn't say you had to have a college degree.

But you should have some kind of experience or education to be the mouthpiece for a political party.

My point was that Rush Limbaugh is only successful because he has great skills in being a media personality. No experience or education of any kind relating to back up his opinions.

Just like Paris Hilton.

Success in one's chosen field of entertainment doesn't make you qualified to lead a party.

As a lifetime member of the Republican Party, I'm sickened that people are cowing to him. Michael Steele apologizing to him for calling him an entertainer? That's exactly what he is.The point of my post here was that no matter what the opinion of Rush Limbaugh may be, Colin Powell has been a top leader in the Republican Party for decades, while Dick Cheney was only looking out for himself.

The tangent you went off on is assuming that I think less of people without college degrees. I apologize for implying that. It was not my intention.

I think less of Rush Limbaugh for many reasons. His lack of a college degree isn't one of them. I think he is nothing more than an entertainer with a loud voice and strong opinions. He should not be leading the Republican Party, yet the Republican leaders who do not apologize to him are lambasted.

My point in saying "uneducated" is more along the lines of lifetime education: He has no experience or education outside the world of political radio. Prove me wrong.

Unknown said...

He is not the mouthpiece for a political party. If you watched something besides CNN you would know that. Just because your commentators wish he was a representative, doth not make it so.

I disagree about the education factor. How many people with law degrees are in congress? What have they done besides write tons of legalese into our documents?

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

If it means anything to youBPB, we have common ground on education and members of Congress. Conscience and character are far more important than the degree when your job is serving the people of our Nation.

Unknown said...

#1 You have yet to rail against me. And if you think you have, I can get tougher. You naysaying everything I say doesn't make you any closer to being right.

#2 I don't live for Rush's every word, but I do find it fun that he pisses you off. You haven't been close to on about anything I believe in so far, and if you read my blog you would know the truth of the matter.

#3 Just because you call yourself truth doesn't mean that you aren't the deluded fool backing horrible people in the world.

#4 Talk about a straw man arguement. All of your lame friends that try to use critical thinking terminology as a terminalogical obfuscation should look in the mirror, and they should firstly look at you.

#5 Rush didn't say half of what either of you are talking about. You're getting the information third and fourth hand from people who live to hate him.

#6 I am neither racist nor homophobic. That is a typical liberal stooge thing to call people to get them to stop winning.
That won't happen with me.

Keep trying truth, and keep writing your lame blog so that your zombie fans can nod their heads in agreement.

Unknown said...

And to add to your last point, then what does it say about a president that hires a tax dodger to run the treasury?

Or trying to bring in a supreme court justice that thinks Islamic Jurisprudence should be part of the law? That will put the ax to plenty on the left damn quick.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I figured hiring a tax dodger would be okay with the righties simply because they hate taxes.

Let me know when you stop censoring, uh, I mean moderating comments. I will be glad to accept your invitation to your blog. As always, I will behave myself.

Unknown said...

My comments aren't censored and you know it. It's just another lame attempt to make me angry. one said Republicans or conservatives don't want to pay taxes, just not for all of your special interest groups. I am beginning to think that you are unemployed, though.

Liberal ethics are as non-existent as superheroes. Although you probably think that muslim kenyan dude is one.

Unknown said...

Plus, if your lib troll friends weren't on my site making anonymous comments, I wouldn't have to moderate, would I you moron?

Keep trying though.

Pamela Zydel said...

James: Rush is an entertainer, not the leader of the Conservative party. There are those of us who listen to talk radio as a form of entertainment, not as news. As a matter of fact, there are those of us who don't even trust the news and do our own truth finding. My only point was that one does NOT need a college degree to have knowledge about politics. And as Blue pointed out many of those serving in Congress have law degrees but aren't practicing attorneys, they are politicans with no political science degree, yet, they have knowledge in politics. Also, I think a lot of what Rush says is misquoted. Just like the Obama fails quote. I watched that interview and Rush said he hoped Obama's policies fail not Obama the man. A lot of trouble would be avoided if one were more careful when quoting another-on both sides.

Unknown said...

But Pam,

They will just argue that means that Rush wants America to fail when, in fact, he doesn't. He wants socialism in America to fail. I wouldn't normally come to Rush's defense, but these people are being dishonest about what Rush is quoted saying and it's always the same old, tired argument with them about his quotes.

Rush is more than entertainment, though. He provides valuable insight into the workings of the government whether these people that have never listened to him know it, or not. You don't need a degree in anything to be able to read, and I think that is one of the areas that liberals are an epic failure on is education. Four year programs don't really get people ready for life, anyway. That is done in the home, unless your a bleeding heart. Then you rely on the institutions and government to nanny your children and get upset when they go against your wishes. It's all hypocrisy.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Let's see here BPB. So far you've called me stupid, lame, a lapdog, intellectually lazy and my friends zombies. Then you further insult my friends by calling them terminalogical obfusicators. How obtuse, droll and unkind of you Mr. Pitbull. If you keep this kind of dialogue up, James may have no choice but to moderate comments.

Oh, you're not very good at pissing me off either Buddy. How could I get mad at somebody as educated and in command of the English language as yourself?

Unknown said...

Say what you want. I'm done posting here. The topics are lame, and the fact that you are allowed to say stupid things with no accountability or common sense is proof.

So, if you want to think of this as some sort of victory, go for it.

It makes no sense for me to discuss things with you when you can't see past your own delusions.

James' Muse said...

Blue, I do have to agree with you on four year institutions not getting you ready for life. Most of my friends, as well as myself, we all were frustrated (and still are) that upon leaving the University our degree didn't mean squat in terms of finding a job. It's like, we paid all that money for this?

As for Rush, again, I didn't mean that he needed a four year degree. All I meant is that you stack his Republican Credentials against Powell's, and Powell wins every time.

Patrick M said... stack [Rush's] Republican Credentials against Powell's, and Powell wins every time.If that's the case, then why aren't you a Republican (AKA Democrat Lite)?

James' Muse said...

I am actually a Registered Republican, Patrick, who is disgusted with how the party has gone the last eight years. I am not so disgusted, however, to become a Democrat.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

You and Patrick are welcome into the Democratic Party anytime Brothers.

Sorry I scared off Bluepitbull James. He told me to "fire away" so I did.

Pamela Zydel said...

James: I am a registered Republican and I'm ready to change, too. However, I think I'm going back to Independent.

And you're right about college life and a degree not preparing one for so-called life. But what does prepare one for that except actually living it?

James' Muse said...


I think I'm going to go independent, too.

As for education, some kind of life experience outside of radio would be nice.

While disagreeing with BluePitBull often, I respect his opinion because he has experience in the military.

Rush doesn't. All Rush has is experience in show business.

That's all my point was. He is just a middle aged white guy with a microphone (and now a camera) and opinions.

As for what will prepare people: stepping outside of their comfort zones. Do a little travelling. Go into the military, or some sort of civil service, police, firefighting, etc. Community building. Volunteer. A mission trip. Go to college. Those are all options to futher one's lifetime learning.

Unknown said...

Wow, you really think you scared me off? You are the biggest loser I've ever heard, truth.

I just got tired of your party rhetoric, so I think instead of trying to explain things to you the way I would my kids, I just won't deal with you.

You couldn't scare a glass of milk.

James' Muse said...

"Party Rhetoric"...
exactly my point on Rush, Blue.

Except for he doesn't just spew it, he makes some of it.

In my next post, he doesn't even discuss why, just plain ole opposition to anything and everything Obama does.

Unknown said...

Since what your talking about has nothing to do with what I'm talking about, it has no relevance.

I was talking about truth badmouthing me in my absence.