Thursday, May 14, 2009

Cheney, Limbaugh OWNED.

Recently, former Vice-President Dick Cheney came out against Colin Powell, saying that he would take Rush Limbaugh over Powell any day.

Roberta McCain, mother of Republican Presidential Candidate John McCain, spoke out against Rush Limbaugh Wednesday night on Jay Leno's show, saying that Rush Limbaugh "does not represent the Republican Party that I belong to".

"I belong to the Republican Party," McCain, 97, said. "What he represents of the Republican Party has nothing to do with my side of it. I don't know what the man means, I don't know what he's talking about."

Regarding Michael Steele, Republican National Committee Chairman, she praised him for labeling Limbaugh an "entertainer" earlier this year during an interview on CNN:
"I think [Steele] was exactly right when he defined this man as an entertainer," she said. "To my horror, the Republican Party made him back up on it."

Limbaugh has long been a critic of John McCain, publicly urging listeners to vote against him during the Republican presidential primaries last year. Most recently, Limbaugh said McCain and his outspoken daughter, Meghan, should follow Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter out of the GOP.

The long-time Republican also critisized liberal television host Keith Olbermann for doing the same sort of stuff:
"I, myself, can't figure out that type of person who really more or less gets joy out of denigrating people. I'm just not that type of person, I don't have friends like that, and thank God I am not around people like him."

Regarding Cheney, Bill Clinton just nailed him recently:
"I wish him well," Clinton told CNN while greeting voters after a campaign stop with Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe. "It's over," he added, apparently a reference to the Bush administration.
"But I do hope he gets some more target practice before he goes out again," Clinton said with a grin before moving along the ropeline.

All I have to say is OWNED.


Unknown said...

Let's see....hundred year old woman that doesn't remember where her teeth are.....

By the way, how's pelosi doing? Wait!! Cheney took her around the world the other day.

How's obambi doing? Wait, he realized he's not just sending GITMO prisoners out on our economy despite his best efforts. Also, he seems to have back pedaled on his promise to the world to release interrogation photos under the guise of saving lives....nah....can't be the same guy who acts radical every day.

Dave Miller said...

Blue, you did not even respond to the meat of the post which is that longtime loyal GOP members essentially are not happy with the fringes of the party taking it over.

What is happening to the GOP is the same thing that happened to the Dems a while back.

The activists in the party hijacked it and made an extreme left turn.

In this case, the extreme activists have hijacked the GOP and taken a hard right turn.

Effectively, the middle 60% of the US electorate are being left out of the political process.

Unknown said...

Which ones are core? Steele? McCain's stupid daughter? Powell? Specter? Which one's of those are republican core members?

The core members of the Republican Party are conservatives, not celebrities or party hacks that talk the loudest. Rush is a core member, and he knows what he's talking about.

You have no idea what you're talking about. why don't YOU read the article? If you knew anything about the Republican Party you might not say the stupid things you say.

Unknown said...

Incidentally, show me the 60% figure and where you got it. I love when people make up statistics. Which, is most of the time.

If it's the times or msnbc, go out in the yard with my dog, and eat some poop with her.

Dave Miller said...

Blue, it is common accepted knowledge that primary voters represent the most vocal and partisan of the electorate of both parties.

They are the activists, and the loudest, most vocal participants in the political process.

This is pretty easily verified simply by looking at the numbers.

A good example is California where almost 3 million GOP people participated in the primary, but over 5 million voted in the general election.

Every politician knows they must lean to their base for the primaries, but then run to the center in the general elections.

This is common knowledge and accepted political wisdom by both parties. It is how you win votes from the other side.

The problem comes from the fact that since both parties are now pushing their core people to the extremes, the voters in the center are feeling disenfranchised.

It does not matter if you like it or not, it is a fact.

Now as for who is, or is not the core of the GOP, I can only say that if the GOP has no interest in maintaining the longtime Rockefeller wing of their party, they are going to struggle for a long time.

And that seems to be what we are seeing with the ascension of the Cheney/Limbaugh cabal.

Patrick M said...

First, I was never a Clinton fan, but he's one of the best at political one-liners. :)

As for another McCain coming out to crap on conservatives, we've heard that a few times before. How'd that work out in 2008?

Blue: I'd say Dave's numbers are accurate, as each base is about 20% of the electorate, leaving 60% of people who sway with the political wind.

Dave: Where you get it wrong is that it's not about moderating to win the general election. It's about articulating your conservative or liberal vision accurately and broadly. In 2008, Obama was effective, and his opponent (one of the idiot McCains, of course) did not.

And the GOP is not being hijacked. It's split between populists that sway to the left and conservatives, and is led (officially) by complete idiots. Thus a former VP and a radio talk show host become the de facto leaders.

Pamela Zydel said...

Mrs. McCain is mad at Rush because Rush wasn’t quiet about NOT wanting McCain for president and she’s defending her son. McCain is NOT a Conservative. His daughter isn’t one either. She switched to the GOP when her dad was running and she wanted some press time, which she gets now that she blogs. Personally, I put her in the same category that Specter was before he switched to Democrat and what Powell currently is…a RINO. These aren’t insults to them; I just wish they would switch to the appropriate party. None of them are conservative.

Unknown said...

I disagree with your assesment of numbers, but that's fine.

Conservatives are not right wing, not just because you say they are dave.

The reason we lost the election is twofold:

1. A centrist, apologist idiot stole the nomination without any consideration for what the party wanted.

2. ACORN and radicals on the left literally hijacked the election by making up votes, and bullying people who voted.

The country was and can be again run on conservative values and smaller government. Every liberal program put in place becomes more expensive every year as more lazy people put their hands out.

Susannah said...

"Which ones are core? Steele? McCain's stupid daughter? Powell? Specter? Which one's of those are republican core members? The core members of the Republican Party are conservatives, not celebrities or party hacks that talk the loudest. Rush is a core member, and he knows what he's talking about."


"The reason we lost the election is twofold:

1. A centrist, apologist idiot stole the nomination without any consideration for what the party wanted.

2. ACORN and radicals on the left literally hijacked the election by making up votes, and bullying people who voted."

I'm sorry Dave; I don't know...does that mean you were just "owned?" (Feel free to jump in here, James. Oops, sorry, it is your blog, not mine.)

(Nice, bluepit. It was exactly what I was going to say...Arlen Specter, Mrs. McCain, Sr.? Megan McCain? Dove-ish Powell? if...

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

A 97 year old woman gave Rush as good a thumping as he ever had. And you notice the righties called McCain's daughter stupid. But not the 97 year old woman. You're defenseless against her. She owns you and Rush.

Unknown said...


A 97 year old woman gave Rush as good a thumping as he ever had. And you notice the righties called McCain's daughter stupid. But not the 97 year old woman. You're defenseless against her. She owns you and Rush.

AND...a group of lib bloggers dressed you down, and made you the kinder, gentler person you are trying to portray.

But, seriously, she didn't to anything, she was protecting her son. I don't see how anyone has been owned lately, cept her own party!~!!

Susannah said...

Bluepit~ You rock! Also, I dig your sense of humor...maybe it comes out when you're 'tired & cranky' !!


JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I would hardly call Pamela of Oracular Opinion a liberal Bluepitbull.

You're also wrong about Pelosi. We will soon be disowning her.

Have a nice day and thank you for the conversation.

Unknown said...

I wasn't aware you were taking over the House, K&G 101. And, you know I wasn't talking about Pamela, and so does she.

Truth101, you are an idiot. Everything you say is wrong, and never backed up by anything close to the physics of this universe. Even your opinions often contradict themselves.

Trying to pit me against Pamela tells me how juvenile you really are. She knows I wouldn't talk about her.

You trying to claim the libs will disown pelosi says alot about the party: Even the most left wing kooks among you are fickle to the point that you won't even back each others play when the chips are down. If you thought she could get away with her lie, you would have your pom poms out and probably your cheerleader outfit, too.

To sum up, think before you speak. Most people do. Try it for a change. Maybe your lib friends who disowned you will take you back.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

You are the classic deluded right wing fool Bluepitbull. You will parrot whatever you are told by Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh without question. That you attack me shows you for your true self. A pathetic hack with no original thought in your head. You're insanely jealous that I am not a slave to the Democratic party platform, yet you must obey whatever comes from the right wing masters.

Frankly BPB, there are many on the right and left that deserve to be treated kindly and gently because they have class and possess reasonable intelligence. You are not among them.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I apoligise for using your site to feud with Bluepitbull James.

Unknown said...

I'm sure James is fine with it. He gets comments, and you get to let your silly comments out and your community gets a break.

James knows there are going to be discussions here, he and I go round about a lot of things.

At the end of the day, I still like James.

Dave Miller said...

Blue says:

The reason we lost the election is twofold:

1. A centrist, apologist idiot stole the nomination without any consideration for what the party wanted.

2. ACORN and radicals on the left literally hijacked the election by making up votes, and bullying people who voted.

The country was and can be again run on conservative values and smaller government. Every liberal program put in place becomes more expensive every year as more lazy people put their hands out.
A couple of thoughts. Sorry about the late reply as i have been on the road and keeping up is a little tougher with that reality.

First, you are 100% correct in that once a program is started, it is seldom, if ever ended, and the cost of that program always rises.

I am sure we will continue to see this from programs started by both parties.

But let's be honest about this. The GOP had control of every branch of government from 2000 to 2006. How did they stand for smaller and limited government?

Just like the Dems, they too have never met a program they did not like if they felt it would help them get elected.

Regarding McCain, how did he steal the election? GOP primary voters chose him as their candidate didn't they?

Unless I am mistaken, they rejected people like Giuliani, Thompson, Romney, etc. to vote for McCain in a majority of primary and caucus states. At the very least, they felt he was the lesser of the evils from which they had to choose.

As for ACORN, do you have any proof that ACORN hijacked the election? Obama won by over 10 million votes and carried every demographic group except for white males.

This alone brings up the GOP problem moving forward.

How can the GOP, with a shrinking proportional base [white males], make progress in future elections?

Since our country is projected to be less white as the years go by, how can the GOP change their perception in the population groups that are growing in the US, mainly Hispanic and Asian?

Will it be through the likes of Limbuagh and Cheney, or through people Powell, Frum, Arnold, etc.?

I Ain't Got No Blog said...

Either Cheney OR Limbaugh can wipe the floor with Obama anytime.
And Obama knows it.

James' Muse said...

Except for Cheney would just do it by accidently shooting him in the face. And Limbaugh would do it by falling over on him.

James' Muse said...

Blue, Truth, I don't mind you guys debating here at all. In fact, that's why I haven't commented. I've been enjoying watching all of you guys duke it out.

Unknown said...

It's hardly been a fight for me, James. In fact, I miss the intellectual battles with TAO.

False Hope 101 just doesn't do it for me.

As far as McMugget getting the nomination...there was still time. He had a more popular face, so more people voted. If he would have done the right thing and not run, it would have been a different outcome.

Powell will never be allowed in the Republican party as a front runner ever again. He is a traitor.

As far as the spending under the GOP, well, goes to show why they lost in 2006, doesn't it? Can't go back, but your buddy obama is spending way more and expanding government way way more than anyone.